When using Microsoft Active Directory AD distribution groups rather than AD security groups, issues can arise when sending faxes, receiving the "Not a Licensed User" error or when receiving faxes you may see faxes routed to the default router as the recipient could not be located due to using the AD Distribution group. This article provides information on the types of user groups that can be configured in FaxMaker for licensed users working in conjunction with (AD).
Any FaxMaker installation installed in a Microsoft Active Directory environment.
FaxMaker, when used with Microsoft Active Directory, only supports the use and detection of users in Active Directory Security Groups. These groups must be in the same domain as the FaxMaker Fax Server Service Account as this is the account that queries Active Directory for adding and validating users and groups.
If currently using Active Directory distribution groups, convert the current Active Directory Distribution Groups to Active Directory Security Groups. This should be done by the Active Directory administrator in your IT group.