When attempting to send a NetPrintQueue2Fax fax job from a Windows 7 machine, nothing arrives to the queue of the GFI FaxMaker monitor and the fax job does not send successfully.
GFI FaxMaker
Microsoft Windows 7
On one of the Windows 7 client machines that is giving problems:
Navigate to Control Panel > Devices and Printers
Right click the shared NetPrintQueue2Fax Printer and select Printer Properties
Select the Sharing tab
Un-check option Render print jobs on client computers
Apply the settings
If the issue should persist, then verify the status of the group policy option "Always render print jobs on the server". This policy should be set to active.
The attempted print job is being spooled locally. For NetPrintQueue2Fax fax jobs to send successfully, it is first required that the job is spooled on the GFI FaxMaker server.