This article provides the steps to import DID/DTMF numbers, used in fax routing into the FaxMaker Configuration.
DID/DTMF numbers for fax routing can be imported to the FaxMaker configuration from a text file or a CSV file with the instructions as follows:
Create a text file in the following format:
<DID /DTMF fax Number>,<user name / email address /group>
For Example:120,Joe Smith
123,marketing -
Save the file to text or CSV.
From Programs, open the FaxMaker Configuration.
Expand Routing > right click on DTMF/DID > Select Import DTMF/DID.
Select the file created in step 2. The DTMF/DID numbers together with the relevant user/group, will be imported into the GFI FaxMaker configuration.
The user names, email addresses, and groups listed in the text file must match the users and groups listed under the Licensed Users configuration node.
No spaces or tabs should be present next to the commas dividing the DTMF/DID numbers and the user data.
If the list contains a large amount of DID/DTMF numbers, it will take some time to import. Importing a list of 1000 numbers will take approximately 30 minutes.
- When an export is done, the output file will be in the same format to be used as a backup and able to be imported.
Upon completion of the steps in this article, the number list will be imported into the Routing > DMTF/DID portion of the FaxMaker Configuration.