All inbound fax calls are shown as ringing in FaxMaker monitor. However, when FaxMaker accepts the inbound fax call, it fails immediately with a called failed 46 error.
The LANCOM/Bintec router is behind the PABX.
After FaxMaker server accepts the inbound fax call, some PABX expects from the FaxMaker application to confirm the accept call confirmation (using CONNECT_RESP) within three seconds. Otherwise, the inbound fax call will be dropped by the PABX with a capi error 0x349A.
- Browse to the FaxMaker program folder.
- Open the capi.dev in Notepad.
- Locate the applicable entry for
- Bintec router (if applicable)
dt:26 -n:"Bintec R4100" -bt:EDS -o:"2,,,,,14400,,1,2,,2048,6144,,2048,2" -dc1:475217920 -dc2:29864855
- LANCOM router (if applicable)
-dt:27 -n:"LANCOM 1700 Series" -bt:EDS -o:"2,,,,,14400,,1,2,,2048,6144,,2048,2" -dc1:1445445632 -dc2:30089758
-dt:28 -n:"LANCOM 1800 Series" -bt:EDS -o:"2,,,,,14400,,1,2,,2048,6144,,2048,2" -dc1:1445445632 -dc2:30089758
- Bintec router (if applicable)
- Add the entry
after the entry -bt:EDS: of the applicable entry- here an example for the LANCOM 1700 Series router:
add -cbm:Q to the applicable entry
-dt:27 -n:"LANCOM 1700 Series" -bt:EDS -cnm:Q -o:"2,,,,,14400,,1,2,,2048,6144,,2048,2" -dc1:1445445632 -dc2:30089758
- here an example for the LANCOM 1700 Series router:
- Save the file.
- Restart the GFI FaxMaker Fax Server service for changes to take effect.