After moving a VM to a new host or moving the SR140 license to a new server, the Brooktrout License Manager reports a 'wrong host' error. This article explains the reason for this error and how to ensure the license remains valid.
Any FaxMaker installation which makes use of a Dialogic Brooktrout SR140.
This can happen when a license is moved to a new server or if a VM is moved to a new host. Dialogic Brooktrout SR140 Fax Software (SR140) licenses are tied to the system node ID (also called 'node lock'), which is based on the host machine's MAC address and other variables. If this address changes for any reason, the license will become invalid and you will see a 'wrong host' error in the License Manager.
Refer to Article: How to re-host an SR140 license by Dialogic. or you may proceed with the instructions below.
The rehost process takes your license which is tied to a node ID from a different server than the one you want the license installed on, and returns it to Dialogic. You then enter the new node ID, which Dialogic will tie to the new license, and then the license will be returned to you.
- On your FaxMaker server open the Brooktrout License Manager from Programs. Run this application as an administrator.
- Select Utilities from the top toolbar, then select Display node lock.
- The node lock type and node lock will be displayed which are required in the following steps.
- Navigate to the Dialogic License Activation Page.
- Enter your license in the license field and select submit.
- On the next screen, select rehost license.
- Verify the license listed in the Order field and select the return button
- If you receive an error message, like in the screenshot below, the license has already been rehosted and a Dialogic ticket will need to be opened for Dialogic Support to rehost the license manually.
- If you receive an error message, like in the screenshot below, the license has already been rehosted and a Dialogic ticket will need to be opened for Dialogic Support to rehost the license manually.
- A confirmation screen will appear showing the license and node ID (Lock) linked to the license. Select Confirm.
- On the next page, the Last Hostid will be listed. This will be consistent with the node lock ID on the old server. The Node ID Type and the Node ID will be taken from the new server information obtained in steps 1 - 3.
- Once the information has been entered, select Generate License.
- A confirmation page will appear to confirm the information entered, select Confirm.
- The last page of this process in the Dialogic License Activation Page will provide the license. You can save the license file by selecting the save to file button or have it emailed to you by entering your email address and selecting the Email button.
- Back on the FaxMaker server, navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\GFI\FaxMaker\brooktrout\TR1034\Boston\Bin (default location) and place a copy of the license file received from step 12. Keep a copy for your records as well.
- Close the Brooktrout License Manager, if you have not already, and reopen from Programs and running as administrator.
- Upon reopening the Brooktrout License Manager the license will be present and ready to use. If the old license displaying "wrong host" is still present, select it and select remove. You can now start the Brooktrout Boston Service and begin faxing or testing.
Upon completion of the steps above the Brooktrout License Manager will now be populated with a valid SR140 license.