This article provides possible solutions if you are receiving the error, "The GFI FaxMaker Archiving Feature Cannot Connect with the Configured Database and Cannot Archive Faxes". You may receive this error even if fax or SMS archiving is not in use.
Any FaxMaker installation.
Usually, this error is only given when archiving is not in use and there are two possible solutions for this error.
Solution #1
By default, there is no FaxMaker archive database created upon installation, only a reporting database that is used for reporting, which is stored in a different location than the archive database.
Verify at the default location, C:\Program Files\GFI\FaxMaker\Data\Databases\, there is an archive database present and verify the size is less than 10 GB. FaxMakerArchive.fdb is the default name for the database. If there is a database present and it is less than 10 GB, proceed to Solution #2.
If there is not a database present in C:\Program Files\GFI\FaxMaker\Data\Databases\, then a database should be created. Please see the Creating a Firebird Database article for more information on this process.
If a new database was created, restart all FaxMaker services and see if the error continues.
Solution #2
The following steps will disable the archiving feature in FaxMaker. Only follow the steps below if archiving is not being used.
- Stop all of the GFI FaxMaker services.
- Navigate to C:\Program Files(x86)\GFI\FaxMaker.
- Backup the asettings.xml file to another location.
- Open the asettings.xml file in a text editor and Locate:
<PlugIn Enabled="true">
<StartupObject>GFI.FaxMaker.AS.Plugins.Archiver.PluginMain</StartupObject> - Change to:
<PlugIn Enabled="false">
<StartupObject>GFI.FaxMaker.AS.Plugins.Archiver.PluginMain</StartupObject> - Save the asettings.xml file with the changes.
- Restart all of the GFI FaxMaker services.
Upon completion of and of the above solutions, ensure the error is no longer received.