The purpose of this article is to provide steps to take for resolving the issue of pending faxes are not sending and your license key has expired. You may have updated your license key, but faxes are not sending as they should.
Any FaxMaker installation version 19 or higher.
If the license has not been updated, please contact your reseller to get the license renewed.
When you have the new license, you can apply it to FaxMaker using the viewing and applying your license article.
After the license has been applied log out of the FaxMaker Web Interface and close the FaxMaker Configuration.
From the services.msc, restart all FaxMaker services
If new faxes are going out but the faxes that were "stuck" in the queue are still there please follow the Reprocessing Faxes Stuck in the "FaxMaker\out\pending" Folder article to have those faxes sent to their recipient or removed from the out queue.
After completing the steps listed above the faxes will now be sending out and the out queue will be cleared.