The purpose of this article is to provide a solution for when FaxMaker is being used with a fax device that connects to an ADTRAN Atlas 550 and handshaking errors and partial pages are being received.
Any FaxMaker installation where the fax device connects to an ADTRAN Atlas 550.
We usually recommend setting the speed on the FaxMaker lines to 14400. Once it is determined that is OK, it can be moved up gradually from there. When using an ADTRAN Atlas 550, according to the manual (https://portal.adtran.com/pub/Library/Manuals/Default/ATLAS_550_System_Manual.pdf page 50) the line speed should be set to 9600.
Solution Steps
Follow the instructions below to set the line speed in FaxMaker to 9600:
- From Programs, open the FaxMaker Configuration.
- Select LInes and devices and then select properties.
- Select the line on which you would like to set the line speed and select properties.
- Select the line options tab, then select 9600 from the dropdown for the Max. speed field.
- Select OK.
- Repeat steps 3 through 5 for each line on which you need to set the speed.
- When finished, select OK to close the Lines and devices properties box.
- Select yes to restart the FaxMaker fax server service.
After changing the speed mentioned above, the faxes will be completed as they should and the pages will be complete.