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Collecting Fax Emails from a POP3 Mailbox


GFI Faxmaker is capable of collecting fax emails from the POP3 (Post Office Protocol) mailbox. This article explains how you can enable this functionality by editing the registry of the server.



Note: Ensure the FaxMaker Configuration is closed before continuing the steps below.  
  1. Open the registry editor on the GFI FaxMaker server and navigate to:

    • x86 (32 Bit Operating System): [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GFI Fax & Voice\FaxMaker\Config]
    • x64 (64 Bit Operating System):  [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\GFI Fax & Voice\FaxMaker\Config]
  2. Edit the DWORD value InstallMode to 3 (this adds a new POP3 Downloader tab to the Email2FAXGateway properties).

  3. Save and close the registry editor.

  4. From Programs, open the FaxMaker Configuration and select the Email2FaxGateway node and properties

  5. Select the POP3 Downloader tab and mailbox information.  Once this is complete, click OK and restart FaxMaker services.

The screenshot below shows the POP3 Downloader tab and the table below gives explanations for the fields on the tab.  




Enable POP3 downloader

Enable downloading of faxes from a POP3 mailbox.

Mail server name/IP and port

Enter the name or IP address of the mail server and the port number.

Mailbox account and password

Enter credentials to access the mailbox.

Full email address of mailbox specified above

The email address of the POP3 mailbox.


Instructs GFI FaxMaker to connect and communicate with the mail server using SSL.

Time interval to check for new faxes

Specify a frequency for GFI FaxMaker to check for new faxes in the GFI FaxMaker mailbox.



The Faxmaker will start collecting fax emails from the configured POP3 mailbox to send as faxes.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
