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How to Uninstall and Reinstall FaxMaker


This article describes how to back-up the configuration and then remove FaxMaker from a server and then re-install it. A manual uninstall is usually required when a normal uninstall cannot be completed successfully, for example when the logs show that a registry key cannot be removed.




Any FaxMaker installation. 




In this procedure, the configuration is first exported from the old installation. Then the manual uninstall is performed. Finally, GFI FaxMaker is re-installed and the configuration is re-imported in the new installation.


Note: If only uninstalling FaxMaker, stop after completing step 9.


Backing up FaxMaker

1. Ensure that UAC is disabled. If using Windows Server 2012, refer to this TechNet article:

2. Ensure that the following folders are added to the Antivirus Exclusions set:

  • <..\Program Files\GFI\FAXmaker>
  • <..\Program Files\Common Files\GFI>

If GFI FaxMaker is installed on Microsoft Exchange, also add the following exclusions:

  • <..\Inetpub\mailroot>
  • Microsoft Exchange 2000/2003: <..\Program Files\Exchsrvr\Mailroot>
  • Microsoft Exchange 2007: <..\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\TransportRoles>
  • Microsoft Exchange 2010 or above: <..\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\TransportRoles>

3. Take a backup of the GFI FaxMaker configuration. For more information refer to the backing up the FaxMaker configuration article.   Note that if the configuration is required to be imported from the old installation onto the new installation, GFI FaxMaker must be re-installed over the same path as the old installation.

4. Take a backup of any routing information. In the GFI FaxMaker configuration expand the Routing  Select the type of routing used, right-click and click Export


Removing FaxMaker

5. Uninstall GFI FaxMaker from Programs and features.

6. Open the system registry. Left-click Start and select Run and type Regedit and select OK.

7. Delete the following folders from the registry:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432node\GFI Fax and Voice 64bit
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\GFI Fax and Voice 32bit

8. Rename the folder <..\Program Files\GFI\FaxMaker> to FaxMakerold.

9. Reboot the server.


Re-installing FaxMaker

1. Download the latest GFI FaxMaker installer from the builds and downloads article.  

2. Right-click the newly downloaded GFI FaxMaker installer and choose Properties. From the General tab, click Unblock and then Apply.

3. Install GFI FaxMaker. For more information refer to the installing FaxMaker article.  Note that if the configuration is required to be imported from the old installation onto the new installation, GFI FaxMaker must be re-installed over the same path as the old installation.

4. Launch the Services applet services.msc. Verify that the GFI FaxMaker Fax Server and GFI FaxMaker Message Transfer Agent services are running using a Domain Administrator user. To do this right-click the service, click the Log On tab, and check the account under Log on as: to verify this setting.


Importing the old configuration in the new instance

1. Stop all GFI FaxMaker services and the IIS Admin

2. Move the files that were backed up from the old installation to the new GFI FaxMaker installation folder, overriding the existing files.

3. Restart all GFI FaxMaker services and the IIS Admin


To import just the old GFI FaxMaker routing rules into the new instance, in the GFI FaxMaker configuration expand the Routing node.  Select the type of routing used, right-click and click Import.




After following the required steps above, FaxMaker will be removed from the system if only uninstalling or will be removed and reinstalled.  You can use the verifying your FaxMaker configuration article to verify your configuration is in place correctly.  

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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  3. Updated
