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Troubleshooting XMLAPI fax failures


The XMLAPI feature allows the transmission of faxes from XML files and integration with 3rd-party applications.

Fax transmissions using this method may occasionally fail, like in the following scenarios:

  • Files accumulate in the XMLAPI folder.
  • Faxes fail to be sent from 3rd-party applications, whereas they work from email.




Check for invalid characters

The XML files cannot be processed if they contain invalid characters.

Go to the Files accumulate in XMLAPI folder and faxes are not sent article for instructions on how to verify and fix this issue.

Verify the API pickup folders

Ensure the API directories in the XML/TextAPI configurations are valid, as explained in Faxes from 3rd-party application fail to be sent.

The integrity of this configuration can be verified by inspecting the tb_apidirectories table in the fmdb_rul.mdb database. It should contains the same directories that can be seen in the configuration GUI.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
