The purpose of this article is to provide steps and information about the message size is too large error message that is received as an NDR (nondelivery report) when sending faxes via email.
Any FaxMaker environment which uses sending faxes via email as a sending method which will also incorporate:
Microsoft Exchange server
IIS SMTP server
When an NDR is received stating the message size is too large, this is set in the SMTP system, whether it be in the Exchange server or in the IIS SMTP server. It could be that the message size limit is set in both Exchange and IIS SMTP so be sure to check both places. Below is a list of a few possible places where this setting could be set:
Newer versions of Microsoft Exchange: This Microsoft article details the information required to check or change the size limits for mail messages. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/mail-flow/message-size-limits?view=exchserver-2019
Older versions of Microsoft Exchange: The message size limit is accessed through the Hub Transport Role.
- In the Exchange Management Console: Organization Configuration > Hub Transport > Global Settings > Transport Settings
- Right-click Transport Settings and select 'Properties'
- Under the 'General' tab, increase the size limit or disable the limit by unchecking the Maximum send and receive size boxes
- Click 'OK' and close the Exchange Management Console
- From Control Panel > Administrative Tools, open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
- If FaxMaker is installed on Server 2008 or later, it will be listed as Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 Manager
- Expand the server name in the right pane and right-click the SMTP Virtual Server and select Properties
- Select the Messages tab and here you have the option of removing the message size limit by unselecting the check in the Limit message size to (KB) or increasing the message size limit by leaving the box previously mentioned checked and changing the size in the box to the right. The default size is 2048 KB or 2 MB.
- When complete select OK.
- Right-click Start and type cmd.
- Type 'iisreset' no quotes, and press enter. This will restart IIS and put the new settings into effect.
Upon completion of the steps above, the message size is too large error will no longer occur.
Priyanka Bhotika