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Faxes remain stuck in the drop folder in IIS


The purpose of this article provides steps to take when faxes remain stuck in the drop folder in IIS.


Any FaxMaker installation using IIS SMTP.  




The reason for this issue is that certain Windows Updates can modify or reset IIS related components which can affect the sinks registered with GFI FaxMaker.  If the domains have been changed then they could revert back to what they were before the change or originally.  


Verify the fax domain is set correctly to the domain required in your environment by reviewing the Modifying the Fax and SMS domains article.  

To unregister and reregister the GFI FaxMaker sinks do the following:
  1. On the FaxMaker server, navigate to the FaxMaker root installation directory (c:\Program Files(x86)\GFI\FaxMaker and locate the two files: sink_unregister.cmd and sink_register.cmd
  2. Launch the sink_unregister.cmd by right-clicking and choose run as administrator.
  3. When asked in a command prompt window if you would like to proceed with the operation, type y and hit enter.
  4. Launch sink_register.cmd by right-clicking and choosing run as administrator.  
  5. On some occasions, this procedure might stop the IIS Admin Service or its dependent services (e.g. SMTP), so each time the .cmd files noted above are run, confirm the IIS Admin Service and all of its dependent services are started. If needed, perform an IIS reset to ensure the services have been restarted:
      • RIght click Start
      • Run
      • Type cmd and select Enter
      • Typeiisresetand select Enter

Note: If faxes are sent to a custom domain name that is not configured correctly, the emails might be accepted by SMTP, yet not be transferred using our SMTP event sink.




Upon completion of the steps above, the emails received by the IIS SMTP server will now be directed to the FaxMaker\Sinkdrop folder, rather than the IIS drop folder. 

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
