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Sample XMLAPI Files for Fax and SMS Used With FaxMaker


This article provides example XML files  for XMLAPI Fax and SMS in FaxMaker.





Note:  For more information on how to produce XMLAPIs, please visit Factors When Creating XMLAPI for FaxMaker.



ReferenceSupported Fax Fields and Parameters for FaxMaker.

Below is a sample fax XML file used with XMLAPI that sends a fax with subject Test Invoice to two recipients. 
For this example, two other files are used:

  • Attachment file (this is the information the end user wants to fax):  mswordfile.doc
  • Body file (this file will be information populated on the coverpages): a plain text file bodyfile.txt

These files are stored in c:\temp\ before storing the XMLAPI in the pickup folder.
They will be deleted from c:\temp\ when the fax is picked up by GFI FaxMaker.

 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 <faxmakerdata>
3 <fields>
4 <subject>Test Invoice</subject>
5 <schedule>2017-10-10-08:15:00</schedule>
6 <priority>high</priority>
7 <billingcode>25</billingcode>
8 <resolution>high</resolution>
9 <coverpage>corporate</coverpage>
10 <frontcovernote>letterhead</frontcovernote>
11 <faxline demandline="true">3</faxline>
12 <faxheader>this is fax header text</faxheader>
13 <bodyfile type="text/plain">
14 c:\temp\bodyfile.txt
15 </bodyfile>
16 <attachment>
17 c:\temp\mswordfile.doc
18 </attachment>
19 <uid>3a5a90s7de3g20k9y4d5e7e6fse28se5e097</uid>
20 </fields>
21 <sender>
22 <firstname>John</firstname>
23 <lastname>Doe</lastname>
24 <company>MyCompany Ltd.</company>
25 <department>Sales</department>
26 <faxnumber>1234 5678</faxnumber>
27 <voicenumber>9876 5432</voicenumber>
28 <emailaddress></emailaddress>
29 </sender>
30 <recipients>
31 <fax>
32 <recipient>
33 <firstname>Jane</firstname>
34 <lastname>Doe</lastname>
35 <company>JaneBloggs Company</company>
36 <department>Marketing</department>
37 <faxnumber>1122 3344</faxnumber>
38 <voicenumber>5566 7788</voicenumber>
39 <emailaddress>
41 </emailaddress>
42 </recipient>
43 <recipient>
44 <firstname>Bob</firstname>
45 <lastname>Jones</lastname>
46 <company>BobJones Company</company>
47 <department>Accounts</department>
48 <faxnumber>9988 7766</faxnumber>
49 <voicenumber>5544 3322</voicenumber>
50 <emailaddress>
52 </emailaddress>
53 </recipient>
54 </fax>
55 </recipients>
56 </faxmakerdata>



ReferenceSupported SMS Fields and Parameters in GFI FaxMaker

Below is a sample SMS XMLAPI that sends an SMS to two recipients.

For this example, a file is used - bodyfile.txt.

This file is stored in c:\temp\ before storing the XMLAPI in the pickup folder. 
GFI FaxMaker deletes bodyfile.txt from c:\temp\ when it picks up the XMLAPI.

 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 <faxmakerdata>
3 <fields>
4 <bodyfile type="text/plain">
5 c:\temp\bodyfile.txt
6 </bodyfile>
7 </fields>
8 <sender>
9 <emailaddress>
11 </emailaddress>
12 </sender>
13 <recipients>
14 <sms>
15 <recipient>
16 <smsnumber>
17 +1 800 2222 2222
18 </smsnumber>
19 </recipient>
20 <recipient>
21 <smsnumber>
22 +1 800 3333 3333
23 </smsnumber>
24 </recipient>
25 </sms>
26 </recipients>
27 </faxmakerdata>



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