The purpose of this article is to provide information for when the "sendasdenied" error is received when sending a fax from Office 365. Any of the following SMTP protocol errors can be addressed with this article.
- sendasdenied 4,4.316
- SMTP protocol error. 554 5.2.0 STOREDRV.Submission.Exception:SendAsDeniedException
- MapiExceptionSendAsDenied
Any FaxMaker installation integrated with Office 365.
When configuring FaxMaker for use with Office 365 there are many variables outside of FaxMaker that need to be configured. There are different levels/tiers of Office 365 and different firewalls that are in use for the protection of the local network. For these reasons, there is no specific set of steps/rules to follow to be able to set this up. What is listed below is a list of items that once completed will allow communication between Office 365 and FaxMaker. These are general steps that must be done by someone with knowledge of your system:
- Change domain from faxmaker.com to fax.domain.com in this example fax.EXAMPLE.com. This is covered in the Modifying the Default Fax and SMS Domain Names article.
- In the Office 365 admin portal, add your domain that was used in step 1 and ensure it is non-authoritative.
- In DNS create an A record pointing fax.EXAMPLE.com to an external IP address of the local network.
Create a send connector in Office 365 to point to the external IP address of the local network. Ensure the connector validates.
- Take the mail from the Office 365 pointed to the external IP/Firewall and point it to the STMP server on the GFI FaxMaker server. This is done in the network firewall rules.
- Finally, in an admin email account in Office 365, create alias emails for:
Once Office 365 has been configured as directed above if the sendasdenied error is still received, perform the instructions below. These instructions effectively follow this Microsoft article.
- In the Exchange Admin Center, go to the Users > Active users page.
- Select the name of the user (from whom you plan to give a Send on behalf permission) to open their properties pane.
- On the Mail tab, select Manage mailbox permissions.
- Next to Send on behalf, select Edit.
- Select Add permissions, then choose the name of the user or users that you want to allow to send an email on behalf of this mailbox.
- Select Save.
After setting up Office 365 to work with FaxMaker as listed above, you will be able to send faxes from Office 365 through FaxMaker.
Priyanka Bhotika