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FaxMaker Web Interface System Settings


The systems settings page contains configuration settings for the other areas of the web interface.  This article describes these settings and the parameters for using them. These settings include the following:




All FaxMaker installations version 19 and higher.  




To review these settings you will need to log into the FaxMaker Web Interface.  


Web Client Settings


Web Client Settings and Preferences

Personal client settings are applied by default on all messages composed in the web client. From the top menu bar, click  to open the settings screen and select Client from the left pane.


Configure the following web client options:

Fax parameter Description
Signature Compose your signature. This text is automatically added to the fax message body.

Configure the default quality of fax images. High resolution (fine) faxes have better quality but take longer to get faxed than normal resolution.

This setting can be overridden when composing a fax.


Choose whether to add a coverpage to your fax messages.

If adding a coverpage, choose the coverpage to add:

  • Default: your default coverpage is added to fax messages as configured by your GFI FaxMaker administrator.
  • Custom: key in the name of a custom coverpage as configured in GFI FaxMaker. Contact your administrator for a list of coverpages available.
Billing code If applicable, enter your billing code as instructed by your GFI FaxMaker administrator. Leave this field empty if a billing code is not required by your organization.


Note:  These settings are applied only when sending faxes from the web client and not when sending faxes using other methods. 


Web Client Printer Driver 

The web client printer driver can be installed from this page.  The web client and web client printer driver article describes the installation and use of the web client printer.  



Reporting Settings

The reporting settings allow you to set the default settings that will be applied to your reports.  Although each report can be customized, the settings here will be the default.  


Reporting  Setting Description

The default time period the report will entail.  


  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • Last 7 days
  • Last 10 days


Group by:

How the information in the report is grouped.  


  • Day
  • Week 
  • User

The format in which the report file will be downloaded.  


  • PDF
  • XLS



Updates Settings

  1. Login to the GFI FaxMaker web interface and from the top menu bar, click Settings .
  2. From the left pane choose Updates.


  1. Configure the following options:
Option Description
Platform Updates Displays a list of pending and installed updates for the GFI FaxMaker server. Click any entry in the list to view additional information. Click Check to verify if any new updates are available.
Auto updates

Choose whether to automatically install updates when these are available.

If enabling this setting, specify a schedule for when to install updates. It is recommended to install updates at off-peak hours.

Check Apply major platform updates immediately to immediately install important updates as soon as these are available.


Enable this option to receive email notifications when updates are available or installed. When enabling, you can check any of the following options:

  • New updates are available - to send email notifications whenever GFI FaxMaker finds new updates.
  • Platform update was successfully installed - to send email notifications whenever updates are successfully installed. Note that GFI FaxMaker always sends a notification when an update fails to install.
  • Notify all administrators - to notify all fax administrators about the updates. Un-check this option to manually enter a list of email addresses that will receive these notifications.
  1. Click Save to apply changes.



Licensing Settings

To review and modify licensing details, login to the GFI FaxMaker web interface, and from the top menu bar, click Settings .

Use this node to view current licensing information or to enter your License key number.

  • Under the License Key Information, the following data is available:
Field Description
Subscription Status The expiration date and the number of remaining days of subscription.
Licensed User Limit The maximum number of users allowed by the subscription.
Current User Count The actual number of users listed as fax users. 

Licensed user SMS Limit

The maximum number of users allowed to use SMS. 
Current Fax Lines Count The number of lines configured in GFI FaxMaker. 
OCR If the OCR module is enabled or not in the GFI subscription.
  • Click Change Account to use another GFI Account or click Edit to edit your license key. 




After reviewing the information in this article, you will be able to review and use the system settings listed in the FaxMaker Web Interface.  





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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
