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Changing the Account Used in a Transmission Report Upload


When testing from the Email2FaxGateway in the FaxMaker Configuration you may receive errors such as SendAsDenied or Client does not have permissions to send as this sender, or a failure to relay.  This article provides the steps to change the account used in the uploaded transmission report or received faxes to an account with relay permissions.  




Any FaxMaker installation where is not accepted by the mail server being used and alias addresses cannot be used.  




Note: This solution cannot be used while using POP3 downloader for downloading POP3 emails for sending faxes.  


This is commonly done to bypass relay restrictions for a hosted mail server so that the email used in the steps below, is also a user in the hosted email environment which will allow relaying of the email messages.  

To edit the sender email address used in uploaded transmission reports, follow the steps below:

  1. It is first necessary to enable the POP3 Downloader in the Email2FaxGateway properties.  To do so:

    • Close the GFI FaxMaker Configuration.
    • Right-click Start and select Run, type Regedit and select OK.
    • In the registry editor,  navigate to:
      • For x86: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GFI Fax & Voice\FaxMaker\Config.
      • For x64: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\GFI Fax & Voice\FaxMaker\Config.
    • Edit the DWORD InstallMode to have value 3 (HEX).
    • Close the registry editor and restart all GFI FaxMaker services from the services.msc.

  2. From Programs, open the GFI FaxMaker Configuration and navigate to Email2FAXGateway, then select Properties.

  3. Select the POP3 Downloader tab, select the checkbox to Enable the POP3 downloader, then specify an email address desired to be in the from field for uploaded transmission reports.

  4. Select OK, close the FaxMaker Configuration, then restart the FaxMaker services from the services.msc.

  5. From Programs, open the FaxMaker Configuration and navigate to Email2FAXGateway, then select Properties.

  6. Select the POP3 Downloader tab and uncheck/deselect Enable POP3 downloader (leaving the email previously entered grayed out).

  7. Select OK, close the FaxMaker Configuration, then restart the FaxMaker services from the services.msc.



Upon completion of the steps above, transmission report emails sent from FaxMaker will have the email address used in the steps above in the from field of the email.  If the email address chosen above is allowed to relay in your mail server, the test emails and email transmission reports will now be received in the correct user's email box.  

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
