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TextAPI fax from 3rd-party application fails with coverpage error


When sending faxes via TextAPI from a 3rd-party application, they fail with one or more of the following errors in the faxserver.gfi_log.txt file (the [template_name] part of the messages will vary):

  • the template [template_name] is not allowed for user [__Text_API__@FAXmaker]
  • unknown template name[template_name]
  • returning error while looking for coverpage[205]

The issue does not occur when sending using the FaxMaker Web Client.


The coverpage parameter may be incorrectly set in the TextAPI file.

Ensure the coverpage parameter - ::C= or ::Coverpage= - correctly maps to an existing coverpage template. The parameter must match either of the following:

  • The name of a coverpage as seen in the FaxMaker Configuration >> Coverpages >> Coverpages section. Note that the name of the coverpage should be the same as its respective file (minus the extension); e.g., if the coverpage name is client, the file name must be client.htm (or .rtf), and the parameter must be set as ::C=client for it to be correctly found. When the names are different, the error message related to "is not allowed for user" is logged.
  • The name of a coverpage file available in the C:\Program Files (x86)\GFI\FaxMaker\coverpge folder (extension included); e.g., if the file name is client.htm, then the parameter must be set as ::C=client.htm for it to be correctly found.

To avoid this kind of problem, do not include this parameter in the file, and define the coverpage for TextAPI in FaxMaker's settings.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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