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Sending test faxes from the web client results in failure


When trying to send test faxes in GFI FaxMaker, the following message is documented in the faxserver.gfi_log.txt log file:

"info ","faxserver","[17001DE6.sfm]faxsrvFaxSent: test fax was sent, errorcode[46]"

The test faxes may be successfully sent from the FaxMaker Configuration, but fail when sent from the Web Client.


This issue has been noticed with Dialogic components like the Brooktrout SR140 and the Diva System.

Note that the instructions below include changing registry values, which may cause problems if not properly followed. It is advisable to take a backup before making any changes.

Routing Using Caller ID is enabled under the UseSenderFaxNumber location, causing the issue.

To resolve it, it must be disabled:

  1. Open the Registry Editor by navigating to Start > Run and typing regedit.

  2. Go to either of the following keys, depending on the version you are using:

    • GFI FaxMaker 32-bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GFI Fax & Voice\FaxMaker\Config

    • GFI FaxMaker 64-bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\GFI Fax & Voice\FaxMaker\Config

  3. Create a DWORD Value under the UseSenderFaxNumber location.

  4. Change the DWORD Value to 0 to disable Routing Using Caller ID.

  5. Close the Registry Editor.

  6. Restart the GFI FaxMaker services and try again.


Send test fax from the Web Client and the message is no longer written to the log file.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
