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Updating the Status of Fax in FaxMonitor


GFI FaxMaker Monitor is used to monitor the status of GFI FaxMaker FaxServer Service (fmserver)GFI Message Transfer Agent service, and the queued faxes.

This article describes the process of updating a fax monitor with the status of the fax.


When fmserver receives a fax request (Send Fax()):

  1. It creates an FMMonitorObject and adds it to the Publisher. FMMonitorObject is a reflection of the real fax.
  2. When fax moves over different processing steps (pending, sending, sent and other), the fmserver updates the FMMonitorObject to reflect the actual fax status and attributes.
  3. When the fax processing is finished, the fax information is stored in a .sfm file for three days.
  4. After three days, the .sfm file is deleted and the FMMonitorObject is marked as deleted. fmmonitorlib will delete the marked as deleted FMMonitorObject after five minutes.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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