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The XCAPI Configuration


XCAPI is a software-only Fax over IP (FoIP) solution from TE-Systems. It is a software suite that contains a driver, a test tool, a line monitor, and a trace system for troubleshooting. This article provides information on different subsections of XCAPI Configuration and emphasizes key settings that you will use. 





  1. To access the XCAPI Configuration, go to Start > Programs > XCAPI > XCAPI Configuration.
  2. To turn the expert view on, choose View, then select Expert. You can use the keyboard shortcut F8 as an alternative.
  3. Once the expert view is turned on, the XCAPI configuration window should look as follows.

  4. Please find the configuration subsections below. 

Below, you can find a review of each section and the key settings you might need.  


The licensing configuration is covered in the article on Configuring XCAPI Licensing.

CAPI 2.0 Options

Under the CAPI 2.0 Options tab, the key configuration setting you need is G.711.

  1. Go to the Options tab.
  2. Select either U-Law (mostly North America or Japan) or A-Law (the rest of the world) codec, depending on the environment/location of your installation.


The XCAPI trace is a built-in diagnostic tool for troubleshooting FoIP calls. In case you use FaxMaker with XCAPI, it takes the place of Wireshark. It captures and usually logs call failures. Here are the key settings you might need:

  1. Go to the Options tab.
  2. Click the Enable Trace checkbox.
  3. Set the trace file to C:\Program Files (x86)\GFI\FaxMaker\logs\xcapi.xct
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Click the Save icon in the toolbar.



This node contains information about whether G.711 or T.38 is being used. If the latter is used, it also includes information on associated signaling.

Controller Settings

The controller settings are subject to change with respect to the controller you added. When you choose the controller you added, two tabs appear. The Controller tab displays the controller name/type/description and the number of lines/channels available for use. The Features tab displays several settings, but the key setting is the "Use software fax over audio channels".

  • Ensure that this option is selected; otherwise you might have problems in adding channels/lines in FaxMaker.

The tabs that have some key features under this section are as follows:

  • Options tab: The default SIP domain is required for sending faxes. It can be a domain name or IP address. If registration is used, the username and password are required, too.
  • Proxies tab: Proxy is enabled via this tab. You can add proxy servers as well as enable Options Messages.
  • Registrations tab: The Registrations tab is where you can enable SIP registration, as well as add the information about the registration servers.
    Info! If using a registration server, a username and password should be entered in the relevant fields in the Options tab.
  • Protocol tab: This tab has options for protocols and ports that are used for calls.



This section involves the available codes. These rarely need to be changed. In certain cases, TE-Systems might request you to configure them.




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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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