Overview In order to send a fax, FaxMaker must send a coverpage or an attachment or the fax will not be sent. By default coverpages are enabled. This article guides you on how to enable and if neces...
Overview This article guides you on how to select a Default Coverpage for use with all users that have not had a specific coverpage setup. Solution NOTE: If you want to add a particular coverpage ...
Overview Coverpages are used to identify the sender of the fax and to address the fax to a specific person. This article guides you on how to create a new Coverpage via GFI FaxMaker. Solution Acces...
Overview This article serves as a reference for the fields that GFI FaxMaker supports for use in the cover pages. Information The following fields may be used in both HTM and RTF cover pages: Status: ...
Overview This article provides information about how you can send a fax without sending a Coverpage. Environment All FaxMaker installations. Information Sending faxes without a coverpage can ...
Overview GFI FaxMaker allows different users to use different coverpages for their faxes. Follow the instructions provided below to assign specific users to a coverpage. Note: A user cannot be liste...
Overview To populate certain recipient information in a cover page, GFI FaxMaker ordinarily pulls information from a Global Address Book (GAB) contact. To pass recipient information to the cover page ...
Overview This article provides the steps to change the logo in the Fax Coverpage. Process Follow the steps below to change the logo on the fax coverpage: Save the logo as a GIF file. Copy the file to ...
Answer GFI FaxMaker will populate the sender and the recipient information either from the Active Directory, if GFI FaxMaker is installed in Active Directory mode or from the local GFI FaxMaker databa...
Answer Cover pages are used to describe the fax that is being sent which usually include information on the sender, recipient and the text used in the fax email message. Whenever a user writes a messa...