Answer PROBLEMNothing happens when printing to the NetPrintQueue2Fax (NPQ2F) printer. ENVIRONMENT GFI FaxMaker All Supported Environments SOLUTION You need to set the NTFS security permissions* of the...
Answer PROBLEMWhen installing GFI FaxMaker on a Microsoft Windows Server Web Edition, the NetPrintQueue2Fax (NPQ2F) printer is not installed. When trying to install the printer using the script npq2fp...
Answer PROBLEMWhen attempting to send a NetPrintQueue2Fax fax job from a Windows 7 machine, nothing arrives to the queue of the GFI FaxMaker monitor and the fax job does not send successfully. ENVIRON...
AnswerThe GFI FaxMaker Client is not compatible with 64-bit version of Microsoft Outlook. This is a limitation imposed by the fact that the MAPI component in Microsoft Outlook 2010 x64 runs in 64-bit ...
AnswerNetPrintQueue2FAX will, by default, send a fax in high resolution. The resolution of the outbound fax can be changed to Normal Resolution by using the following Text API command in the document:...
Overview GFI FaxMaker offers various ways to use the product in conjunction with a hosted email service. Information SENDING Using a specific MX record for Faxing (ex- - In this scen...
Overview Faxes can be sent through GFI FaxMaker by using an alias to specify the fax number. This article provides information about sending the faxes using the Alias Method. Information This method...
Overview GFI FaxMaker allows specifying the recipient fax number in the email fax body where the email itself is addressed to the dedicated mailbox for GFI FaxMaker. This article provides information ...
AnswerThere are many options for sending faxes through GFI FaxMaker when Exchange is not present, but this article will focus primarily on using the GFI FaxMaker client to send through the SMTP instan...
Overview This article provides information about sending a single Microsoft Word document containing multiple faxes. Environment GFI FaxMaker All supported environments Root Cause The NetPrintQueu...