Overview This article gives information about integrating sending and receiving faxes with Faxmaker and Aprima's EHR software. Environment Any faxMaker installation integrated with Aprima EHR so...
Overview The purpose of this article is to provide information to resolve when a customer is using Office 365 in hybrid mode and when sending faxes from Outlook, they do not arrive at the FaxMaker ser...
Overview When the Web Client Printer Driver is installed there should be no issue printing to this printer and having the FaxMaker Web Interface pop up to log in and send a fax. Some users are able t...
Overview When using the XMLAPI feature of FaxMaker you want to be sure the correct versions of MSXML are installed on your server for proper operation and not have any security risks as well. This ar...
Overview You have lost the Email2Fax functionality after performing an upgrade of the FaxMaker server Operating System, and now users cannot send faxes from their email client. The messages may fail w...
Overview When sending faxes via TextAPI from a 3rd-party application, they fail with one or more of the following errors in the faxserver.gfi_log.txt file (the [template_name] part of the messages wil...
Overview Faxes sent via TextAPI, usually from a 3rd-party application, may fail with one or more of the following errors in the faxserver.gfi_log.txt file (the [template_name] part of the messages wil...
Overview You may notice that files are accumulating in the XMLAPI folder and, as a consequence, sending the faxes is very slow or they are not sent at all. Restarting the services and rebooting the se...
Overview The XMLAPI feature allows the transmission of faxes from XML files and integration with 3rd-party applications. Fax transmissions using this method may occasionally fail, like in the followin...
Overview When testing the connection from the Email2FaxGateway configuration, the message TLS 1.0 and 1.1 are not supported. Please upgrade/update your client to support TLS 1.2 is returned. You may h...