Overview GFI FaxMaker cannot send faxes from Microsoft Outlook (which is installed either on the Microsoft Exchange server or on a separate machine), because of one or more of the following options: W...
Overview This article provides information on how to create Fax Blasts with GFI FaxMaker. Process The video demonstration of Fax Blasts. (Attached the video file for reference) This 3x3 video explains...
Overview When sending a fax using XMLAPI sending method, the status files are deleted after five minutes. In most cases when using XMLAPI as a sending method in FaxMaker, the customer is using their s...
Overview The .msi installer of the FaxMaker client is not directly available to download. This article provides information on locating the MSI file for FaxMaker. Solution Launch the FaxMaker client...
Overview The faxes sent using HPDS are successful but the report shows the fax as failed. The .dat file is empty as was in previous versions and the transmission report or .000 file shows status as - ...
Overview The purpose of this article provides steps to take when faxes remain stuck in the drop folder in IIS. Environment Any FaxMaker installation using IIS SMTP. Solution The reason for this ...
Overview Fax emails sent from SAP system are rejected with the following error: No recipients were found in this message. The log file shows: error ,faxserver,faxusers_c::fmgfidb_c::resolvetouserid(FA...
Overview A fax sent to an Outlook contact remains in the …\GFI\FAXmaker\SinkDrop folder as a *.bad file. Environment GFI FaxMaker 14 GFI FaxMaker 2011 GFI FaxMaker 2013 All Supported Environments Root...
Overview The sender encounters the error code 'C-0007' when trying to send a fax using FaxMaker client. Environment FaxMaker Microsoft Exchange server All supported environments Root Cause Another SMT...
Answer PROBLEM When sending a fax addressed to [FAX:<faxnumber>], you get an undeliverable message with the following error: You do not have permission to send to this recipient. For assistance, con...